New: Expanded vendor inventory management capabilities – allowing units to create and manage local metadata for their respective vendors.
New: UI will now check for an answer and explanation before prompting the user to attach a file on an assessment question.
New: Users can now see additional metadata about duplicate hosts (e.g., by MAC, by IP, by sheet).
New: Users will no longer see Technical Contact and Delegate links on Open Unit and Application Assessments when the count of Technical Contacts and Delegates equal zero.
Fix: Corrected a problem where org unit question responses weren't correctly downloading as a CSV.
Fix: Corrected an issue where a report wouldn't appear on the reports page once an assessment was completed unless a hard browser refresh was triggered.
Fix: Users will now receive an improved error message when creating a new assessment.
Fix: Assessment metadata endpoint will now return data.
Fix: The Vendor Product Description field has been expanded so users no longer need to scroll when viewing longer descriptions.
Fix: The App Description field has been expanded so users no longer need to scroll when viewing longer descriptions.
Fix: The Settings > Question Configuration > Question List treeview listing indents child questions appropriately.
Fix: Report csv downloads will now show question ID, which will allow users to find the text of the parent question.
Fix: Issue with a spinning hourglass when selecting the tree view in the Question Configuration section has been resolved and selecting the tree view now works as expected.
Version 2021.09
New: Users can now attach documentation to surveys with file names of up to 250 characters.
New: Users can now add a description to sheets.
New: New sheets that have never been edited now say “never edited” instead of showing the created date.
New: Users can now filter hosts by “seen_after” in API.
New: Improved save workflow on the Notifications page and added clearer success messaging.
New: Updated capitalization on delegates listing and host categorization page to be consistent with other UI style elements.
Fix: Moving hosts in bulk from one inventory sheet to a new inventory sheet, now works when choosing from the sheet suggestion list.