NEW: Documentation upload for Assets (Hosts, Apps, Vendor Products)
FIX: Bug on the trend chart where a survey's assessment must have all surveys completed before this survey's score shows on the trend chart. This fix includes the survey in the unit trend line if its assessment has unfinished surveys. The org trend line will not have a point for the same time, until all surveys are completed.
FIX: Added ability to switch dashboards for apps. Apps now has 3 dashboards in the switcher: Current dashboard is now named: 1. Basic App Report (Default). 2 new dashboards: 1. DFARS & CMMC 2. Advanced App Report (exactly like vendor report)
FIX: Fixed local auth error message for invalid credentials
Version 2022.12
FIX: Advanced vendor report - in category breakdown, it previously showed all categories in all reports in the vertical when report being viewed doesn't have those categories. That muddies up report between hecvat versions, different question lists, etc. This visualization now compares only the categories in the current report across the vertical.
FIX: Update handling of N/A categories to re-calculate the category score if ANY answer is N/A
Version 2022.11
FIX: Fixing question list dropdown (not paginating) on new/edit assessment form
FIX: Adding Assessment Save UI Notification on Settings > Assessments > Assessments edit/new page
FIX: Adding a UI notifiation to the Host Classification Save All functionality. The notification shows up and the 'Save All' button is disabled when user clicks 'Save All'; the notification disappears and the 'Save All' button is enabled when success or fail is returned from server.
FIX: Dropdown fixes for safari browser to work properly
FIX: Child org unit risk register data is read only when the user is assigned the Risk Auditor role and Inherit is selected.
Version 10.2022
NEW: New Risk Register Reporting Page
FIX: Risk Register - Removed risksettings endpoint
NEW: Risk Register - Added scope to config
NEW: Risk Register - Ability to change labels through config
FIX: Risk Register - Cleaned up results on History Tab on Risk Score record
NEW: Risk Register - Added ability to create risk on upload if it doesn't exist
NEW: Risk Register - Added ability to create risk on risk score create / edit if it doesn't exist
Version 2022.09
NEW: On host, set last editor to the saving user and save edited date
FIX: Erroneous tooltip about expiration date in New Assessment dialog modal
FIX: Survey launch dialog, links to docs about notifications
FIX: Add the ability to edit exception requests
Version 2022.08
FIX: Cleanup display on hosts and surveys, save to pdf
FIX: Make UI changes to question helptext, Show a tooltip for extended helptext display on survey ou question template, Add a modal for displaying very long Question HelpText. Display HelpText in that modal instead of a popup when the HelpText is long.
FIX: Updated Delete dialogs for org units, questions and categories to be more useful
Version 2022.07
FIX: Added tooltips to drop-downs and checkboxes for data classifications and categories to show help text
NEW: Host bulk delete
FIX: Fix to logging for performance increases
NEW: Risk Register
Version 2022.06
FIX: Comment header in CSV file for Permissions upload
FIX: Lite sync script updates
NEW: Allow running assessments to have their question snapshots updated
Version 2022.05
FIX: Update exception request to use user profile username entry rather than user.username to avoid issues when users are deleted
NEW: Multiple vendor product deployments can now be added to an Organization's product inventory (previously, OUs could only add one deployment per vendor product). A given owner org unit can now add three deployments to their vendor product inventory representing test, development, and production environments.
FIX: Improved error message when trying to save a duplicate vendor product deployment to an org.