Version 2021.10
New: Expanded vendor inventory management capabilities – allowing units to create and manage local metadata for their respective vendors.
New: UI will now check for an answer and explanation before prompting the user to attach a file on an assessment question.
New: Users can now see additional metadata about duplicate hosts (e.g., by MAC, by IP, by sheet).
New: Users will no longer see Technical Contact and Delegate links on Open Unit and Application Assessments when the count of Technical Contacts and Delegates equal zero.
Fix: Corrected a problem where org unit question responses weren't correctly downloading as a CSV.
Fix: Corrected an issue where a report wouldn't appear on the reports page once an assessment was completed unless a hard browser refresh was triggered.
Fix: Users will now receive an improved error message when creating a new assessment.
Fix: api/metadata endpoint will now return data. Fixes bug after vendor/assessment merge.
Fix: The Vendor Product Description field has been expanded so users no longer need to scroll when viewing longer descriptions.
Fix: The App Description field has been expanded so users no longer need to scroll when viewing longer descriptions.
Fix: The Settings > Question Configuration > Question List treeview listing indents child questions appropriately.
Fix: Report csv downloads will now show question ID, which will allow users to find the text of the parent question.
Fix: Issue with a spinning hourglass when selecting the tree view in the Question Configuration section has been resolved and selecting the tree view now works as expected.
Version 2021.09
New: Users can now attach documentation to surveys with file names of up to 250 characters.
New: Users can now add a description to sheets.
New: New sheets that have never been edited now say “never edited” instead of showing the created date.
New: Users can now filter hosts by “seen_after” in API.
New: Improved save workflow on the Notifications page and added clearer success messaging.
New: Updated capitalization on delegates listing and host categorization page to be consistent with other UI style elements.
Fix: Moving hosts in bulk from one inventory sheet to a new inventory sheet, now works when choosing from the sheet suggestion list.
Version 2021.08
New: Super users can now enable API access when creating a new user as expected.
Fix: Assessments page will now refresh open assessments when a new vendor assessment is added.
Fix: Uploading and downloading documentation on external vendor survey links now works as expected.
Fix: Links to download attachments on answers in reports now works as expected. The issue was incomplete data available to the page when rendering to get to the proper download destination. Test coverage now includes checking for this necessary information.
Fix: Notifications now send to assessment managers and superusers on vendor/app survey final acknowledgement.
Fix: Sheet CSV exports now properly export the “category” field now as a nested CSV.
Fix: Allow org unit type assessment creation to progress beyond the first dialog page.
Version 2021.07
Fix: Shared Vendor Surveys now have a unique UUID for each organization that is able to view the survey.
Fix: Some host sheet downloads were failing due to Django update; issue has been fixed so that all host sheets download as expected.
Fix: Csvs upload as expected.
Version 2021.06
New: Settings UI updates.
New: Allow "enter" to activate the As-User form.
New: Allow As-User form to search users by name.
New: Allow moving hosts from one sheet to another.
New: As part of Location serialization, include number of assets in that location.
Fix: Updates to various builtin help texts.
Fix: Highlighting duplicated hosts in a more obvious way.
Fix: Prevent host info popup from appearing if user has selected text.
Fix: Return a more specific error (rather than 500) on user creation attempt when missing attributes.
Fix: Handle deletes of Locations more gracefully.
Fix: Allow searching of sheets to filter only sheet metadata (rather than linked assets as well).
Fix: Update dependencies, including to Django 3.2.
Fix: Bug wherein a user sheet owner might not see hosts in the express view.