URI: https://myedu.isora.saltycloud.com/api/apps




Additional Details





Returns a count of apps along with a paginated list of all apps, Y at a time (by default up to 25). Each array entry includes details about the app.

The beginning of each response includes a count and a link to the next page. Each entry in the list has a link to itself.



Retrieves information about an individual app. If an invalid id is given, a “Not found” error is returned.

The ID is displayed on the UI at the top of the page showing app details.



Creates a new app. The new app is returned.

If a location is specified, the individual components of the location object are verified to try to find a matching location ID. If an exact match cannot be found, then an error is returned and the host will not be added.

body {

  “name”: string,

  “description”: string,

“vertical”: string (OID of vertical),

  “product”: OID of vendor product,

  “classification”: string (implementation-dependent code),

  [ “categories”: array of strings (implementation-dependent codes), ]

  “priority”: string (code),

  “contacts” : { “owners”: array of strings1 },

“deployments”: [ deployment object ],2


1You can specify usernames, email addresses and/or organizational unit code, but at least one OU code must be included.



Updates (replaces) an existing app. Returns the updated app object.

The only fields required are “name” and “contacts”, but only entering those two fields will automatically change all other fields to empty. Leaving out any field in the PUT command will replace previous information with a blank field.

body {

“name”: string,

  “description”: string,

“vertical”: string (OID of vertical),

  “product”: OID of vendor product,

  “classification”: string (implementation-dependent code),

  “priority”: string (code),

  “contacts” : { “owners”: array of strings },

“deployments”: [ {“host”: <host id>,”environment”: string (code),”urls”:[]}]




Removes the app. No content is returned.




Returns app objects matching the search string.

Useful for testing. Only app objects are searched.



Returns any apps with an upper or lower case “t” in the name or description of the app.



Similar to PUT command, but allows you to update one (or more) part(s) of the app at a time instead of replacing the entire app. Returns the updated app.

Unlike PUT command, PATCH will NOT replace unmentioned fields with a blank field. This solely updates the one field you specifically enter.


body {

“priority”: string (code)
