1. Navigate to the orgs module and click the “manage people” link.
  2. In the table of people, click the link at the far left that looks like a pencil, to edit that person.
  3. From here, you could change general details about people like their name, whether they have token or signature API access (for more information on the Isora GRC API, check out Isora GRC API Guide), and if they have superuser capabilities. On the right, you see a list of existing permissions. To add the person to a new OU, click the “add permission” button.
  4. Fill in the OU code or name and choose the role from the drop-down list. Then click “add.”
  5. To remove a permission from the person, in the edit person page just click the X button next to the permission you want to remove, then click “delete” in the confirmation dialog that pops up.

Next: 3.3.3 Editing an organizational unit to add a person

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