Isora GRC Release Notes
Isora v1.1.2
What's New
Added Vertical Score to Categorical Overview: Introduced the vertical score in the Categorical Overview of assessment reports, showcasing how the target performed relative to the Assessment Mean in each category. Category scores are calculated by averaging the question scores within each category.
API endpoint: api/report/<uuid>
CSV Uploader for Vendors and Vendor Products: Implemented the capability to upload Vendors and Vendor Products using a CSV uploader in the Inventory/Third Parties tab.
Import API endpoints: api/vendors/csv and api/vendorproducts/csv
Template API endpoints: api/vendors/csv/template and api/vendorproducts/csv/template
Third-Party Report Header in PDF Exports: Added the Third Party Report header and deployment details to the PDF export for completed assessments.
Read-Only Comment History: Enabled read-only comment history in report responses.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Third-Parties Inventory Download: Fixed a bug when downloading the Third-Parties Inventory that was missing the Vendor URL field. Downloads of Third-Party Inventory are now seamless.
Third-Party Vendors Search Bar: Further optimized the search functionality within the Third Party Vendors section.
Vendor Score Calculation: Fixed a bug that affected the calculation of the vendor score average by product latest score. The average is now correctly calculated based on the most recent score.
API Updates
Enhanced Reporting Capabilities:
Enabled the ability to pass the Assessment ID to the reports/all endpoint.
Added the vertical score to the Categorical Overview in a report.
"vertical": { "current": [ { "name": "01. Documentation", "parent": "parent_uuid", "mean": 100.0 },
Isora v1.1.1
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Survey Comment Threads
You now have the ability to add/edit comments, search comments and replies, and delete a comment or comment thread.
Access the comment functionality through the chatbox icon next to a survey question or at the top right of the survey page to search comments.
Filter comments to show only your own by clicking “Your Threads.”
API Endpoint: api/commentthreads
Ability to Disable the Settings Tab for Non-Admins
Admins can now hide the “Settings” tab in the navbar for non-admin users. Non-admin users will only see their own Profile in the Settings tab.
Contact the support desk to enable this setting.
Default the Third-Parties Tab to Display Only My Deployments
This feature queries vendors with my_deployments=True.
Contact the support desk to enable this feature.
Vendor Report Public Option Default
If set to True (default setting), users can view reports only within their organization.
If set to False, users can view reports across any organization.
Contact the support desk to change this to False.
Vendor Report Public Option Disabled
If set to True, the vendor report public option is shown and disabled.
If set to False (default setting), the option is shown and enabled.
Contact the support desk to change this to True.
Updated Permissions for the Vendor Requester Role
Users with the Vendor Requester role can now create and delete Third-Party Vendor Deployments and Third-Party Assessments for their organizational unit.
Third-Party Searchbar
Enhancements and bug fixes have been made to the Third-Party search bar for more seamless vendor and product searches.
Assign a User to a Risk Register Entry
You can now assign a user to a Risk Register entry. This field can be hidden if not needed.
API Endpoint: /api/riskscores
API Updates
Enhanced the CSV files by adding the “vendor_url” field to the vendor product CSV template.
New vendor names inserted into the CSV that do not exist will be automatically created.
Added functionality to add comments, search comments and replies, and delete a comment or comment thread.
Added a summary of NIST CSF Policy Scores for a NIST CSF survey report. Example snippet for the “Detect” policy:
Isora v1.1
May 10, 2024
Bug Fixes & Improvements:
NEW Third-Parties Enhancements are now launched in the New UI:
NEW and improved Third-Parties View
Nested Table: Manage third-party vendors, their products, and associated deployments within their organization.
Search Functionality:
Search by Vendor and Product name in the search bar.
"Mine" Filter
Description: View deployments that are deployed by your org unit, owned by your org unit, or where you are listed as the owning user.
Access: See the profile icon on the top right.
API Endpoint: api/orgs/all?mine=true
Assessments Sidebar
Function: View all assessments related to the Vendor Product within a dedicated tab.
Vendor Details Sidebar:
Create and Delete Vendor
Create Vendor: Added a “Create Vendor” button.
Delete Vendor: Enabled the ability to delete a Vendor.
Product Details Sidebar:
Create and Delete: Enabled the ability to create and delete a Vendor Product in the sidebar.
API Endpoint: api/documentation endpoint enabled in the Vendor Product sidebar.
Deployment Details Enhancements
Deployment Details sidebar
Function: Displays editable fields from the api/vendorproductdeployments endpoint.
Can now delete a Deployment.
Can view the Contacts tab.
Column Management: Enabled the ability to show/hide columns.
Vendor Product and Deployment Table View
Overview: Provides an overall view of important details about the Vendor Product/Deployment in a table format.
Add Deployment: Enabled the ability to add a new Deployment in the Vendor Product sidebar.
Risk Register CSV upload.
There was a bug with the Risk Register CSV upload, but it now correctly creates a new risk register entry with the existing Risk Category and Risk (from Settings).
We added support for Hidden Attributes in the Risk Register settings:
Hidden Attributes options you can choose to keep hidden:
We enabled the ability to edit these Risk Register field labels:
Inherent Impact
Inherent Likelihood
Current Impact
Current Likelihood
Target Impact
Target Likelihood
Target Mitigation Control
Current Mitigation Control
API Updates:
api/vendors: Added Vendor Hierarchy filters:
Deploying unit
Owning unit(s)
Owning user(s)
api/vendorproducts: Added ‘most_recent_score’ field to api/vendorproducts endpoint.
This field calculates the most recent score from the report data associated with the Vendor Product instance.
api/riskscores: Added ‘assigned_users’ and ‘assigned_users_info.’ Both are saved in a list.
‘assigned_users’: [‘username’]
‘assigned_users_info’: [
"username": "username",
"first_name": "first_name",
"last_name": "last_name",
"email": "user_email"
api/orgs/all: Enabled a “mine” filter option that allows you to view deployments that are deployed by your org unit, owned by your org unit, or where you are listed as the owning user.
api/apps: Added filtering options:
Isora v1.0.4
April 12, 2024
API Updates
endpoint now offers new fields and filtering options that provide additional details about the documentation and allow you to filter the documentation by inventory types and records:New fields:
‘uploaded_by_info’ : {
Filtering options:
We’ve upgraded the
to allow customization of/api/riskscores
fieldsFor those utilizing the
, we've introduced qualitative labels like Insignificant, Minor, Moderate, Major, and Severe, alongside the existing integer values for 'inherent' and 'likelihood' fields. Yes, you can edit these labels too!We added a new
field to/api/assessments
which will enable the ability to track third-party vendor assessments against vendor deployments and associate attester contacts to the specific deployments (coming in then next version).
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Fixed a bug where users weren't redirected correctly after logging out. Now, you'll land exactly where you're supposed to.
Fixed a bug where pagination for the third-party vendor table in the assessment wizard was not working.
Isora v1.0.3
March 22, 2024
API Updates
Added the following new fields to the
: Provides information about the people associated with the vendor product deployment.owners_orgs_info
: Provides information about the units associated with the vendor product deployment.org_info
: Provides information about the deploying unit.created_date
: Includes the creation date of the vendor product deployment.
details to the/api/documentation
endpoint, providing information about the user who uploaded the documentation.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Fixed a bug that prevented the deletion of vendors with deleted products. Vendors can now be successfully deleted regardless of the status of their associated products.
Fixed a bug that caused the risk register matrix report in the old user interface to not function properly. The report now generates and displays as expected.
Fixed a bug that prevented users from saving edits made to risk records. Users can now successfully save their changes to risk records.
Isora v1.0.2
March 15, 2024
What's New
Introduced a protocol selector for URL fields to clarify protocol requirements.
Added additional assessment details to PDF exports.
Added a new endpoint
that serializes vendor products and deployments to optimize search functionality.Added a
field to/api/config
, allowing customers to customized the feedback URL to a custom URL if they choose.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Corrected calculations in the score distribution widget and historical data switcher.
Improved score rounding for enhanced accuracy.
Resolved a bug affecting external survey link functionality in SSO environments.
Fixed an issue with lengthy third-party vendor product statuses not truncating correctly.
Addressed a bug that prevented some users from launching or publishing assessments due to assessment instruction issues.
Fix validation error when a vendor is added with the same name.
Isora v1.0.1.1
February 16, 2024
What's New
Added Isora version information to the user menu dropdown.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Resolved an issue with the search bar in report responses that was not returning any results. It now correctly returns results from categories and questions.
Addressed a bug preventing unit assessments with asset enrichment from being launched or acknowledged.
Addressed a bug that was restricting users from accessing reports.
Isora v1.0.1
February 9, 2024
What's New
Introduced a "Partially Launched" status on the unit assessment dashboard for a more intuitive understanding of assessments with mixed "Active" and "Launched" survey states.
Refactored the assessment page for better performance, significantly reducing loading times, especially with large datasets.
Introduced a new endpoint for Vendor to serialize vendor products, enhancing search efficiency on the frontend.
Added a
parameter andlaunchsurveys
endpoint to AssessmentViewSet.
Bug Fixes & Improvements
Fixed a bug where the deploying unit field was not correctly displaying the unit hierarchy tree in the setup wizard.
Improved the bell curve report widget to ensure data accuracy.
Corrected inaccuracies in column names within the .docx response export feature.
Adjusted the letter grade algorithm to ensure accurate grading.
Addressed issues with user roles and permissions that previously restricted access to certain features.
Fixed a performance issue on the Settings > Assessment page by allowing the addition of
to the assessments URL.Updated the
to include all questions, regardless of whether they have been answered.
Version 2024.01
FIX: Temp fix for querying /api/questionsnapshot/<id>, if survey is in query parameters.
NEW: Making Isora Lite configurable from a regular instance, so Lite is easier to maintain.
NEW: New UI Changes: risk register, add new fields to vendorproduct and vendorproductsurvey, add new fields to app and appsurvey, add new fields to classificationsurvey, update statuses on assessment and surveys, add new deployment environment - Evaluation, add default instructions - set it on all existing surveys, add ability to launch all surveys from an assessment request, add ability to save launch options to surveys so users can save as draft, add ability to import previous survey responses on launch for vendorproductsurveys, adding report mean to app and vendor most_recent_report representation.
NEW: New UI: Adding new attribute for participants to Assessment - it's a combination of all users who might participate in the assessments surveys (ou heads, assessment managers, IT contacts, delegate users).
FIX: Fix Classification and App Survey Statuses.
FIX: New UI: Fix for final_acknowledged_date in report for when the survey is in pre-final acknowlegement phase.
NEW: Add filter_queryset to querysets for reports/all and reports/listdetails endpoints to honor any query parameters passed to them for the New UI.
Version 2023.12
FIX: Inventory updates: Fix vendorproduct.assessment_type filtering and add filtering to VendorProductContacts.
NEW: Add system_type breakdown for classification surveys to ReportData for use in New UI reports.
NEW: Add bulkremove option for attachments in UnitAnswerViewSet for New UI.
NEW: Surveys - updating statuses and adding new attribute for assessment status.
NEW: NEW UI: Add participants and system_types to reports and product filter to surveys.
NEW: Three changes for the New UI display of question lists: We are giving the users a preview of the question list they select when creating/previewing/launching surveys. 1. Making QuestionViewSet AdminOrReadOnly instead of AdminOnly. 2. QuestionListViewSet adding Classification Surveys to queryset. 3. Making QuestionCategoryViewSet AdminOrReadOnly instead of AdminOnly.
NEW: Add new entry 'Evaluation' to DeploymentEnvironments.
NEW: Add Default AssessmentInstructions, attach it to all assessments for New UI.
NEW: Add findings count to reportdata.questions.unit.current for all answers not NA or Favorable.
FIX: Fixing order of answer choices ordering by multiplier then text, so that when answer choices have the same multiplier, they are ordered by text.
NEW: Summarize CMMC report on backend: future frameworks will be summarized on the backend so that rendering in the New UI is easier.
NEW: Updates to SurveyViewSet filters: 1. Filtering out deleted assessment_types for survey param. 2. Added filter by product.
NEW: Add grade, grade description, and findings count to report question summary for New UI.
NEW: Add listdetails endpoint to reports, ability to filter by specifying ids: it is similar to the reports endpoint except the user can filter on report ids as well.
Version 2023.11
NEW: Risk Register downstream activities: enabling risk register downstream, i.e. the ability to create a risk score from an advanced report missing control, from the detailed control breakdown.
NEW: New UI Changes: risk register, add new fields to vendorproduct and vendorproductsurvey, add new fields to app and appsurvey, add new fields to classificationsurvey, update statuses on assessment and surveys, add new deployment environment - Evaluation, add default instructions - set it on all existing surveys, add ability to launch all surveys from an assessment request, add ability to save launch options to surveys so users can save as draft, add ability to import previous survey responses on launch for vendorproductsurveys, adding mean app and vendor most_recent_report representation.
NEW: Add CSV Imports and Exports to /api/apps backend.
NEW: New UI frontend changes: Added feature flag for new UI - can turn it on and off per instance. Converts app, vendor, classification links to new UI.
NEW: Added attested_surveys to vendorproductcontacts API endpoint: New UI change so we can see which survey / product the contact attested in the API.
Version 2023.10
NEW: Calculate average category score in report.
Version 2023.09
FIX: Assessment Type num_assessments fix, adding filters to apps and vendor products for assessment_type of surveys they've participated in:
Adding changes to return num_assessments in assessments types as what assessments the user can see (so there are no questions).
Adding filter to apps and vendorproducts for assessment_type for surveys the app participated in. Uses AssessmentSecuredQuerySets.get_surveys_queryset to honor permissions.
NEW: Added reports mean to surveys endpoint if the survey has a report generated.
NEW: Add CSV imports and exports to /api/vendors backend.
NEW: Added CSV Imports and Exports to /api/vendorproducts backend.
NEW: Added readonly field to questioncategorysnapshot endpoint for new UI.
NEW: Added status fields to assessments for new UI: Added number of surveys, added number of surveys completed, added status (Active, Draft, Complete).
NEW: Added level filter on /api/orgs endpoint for use in new UI.
NEW: New queries and attributes for new UI: assessment_types - filter on running (true or false), assessment_types - filter on target (1, 3, 6), assessment_types - count of assessments, assessments - filter by type (id), assessments - filter by product, app, ou (id), assessments - filter by target (1, 3, 6).
NEW: Allow vendors to upload documentation that matches Isora configurations (new UI).
Version 2023.08
NEW: Added question parameter (questionlist=questionlist_id) for returning categories, questions in tree order.
FIX: Fetch questionlists/all on the create assessment modal from assessments page.
NEW: Added tooltip to "Enable host categorization" checkbox in org unit assessment setup dialog.
FIX: Fixes external-user access to surveys.
FIX: Two updates to orgs endpoint to make working with it easier for the new UI: 1. Added param (parent=uuid) to orgs endpoint for querying level 2. Added attribute num_children.
NEW: Added created_date to vendorproducts API endpoint (new UI).
NEW: Added new notification options:
Adds a VendorRequester contact type.
Notifies the above (and some other roles) on vendor survey launch.
Adds a new event, vendor survey renewal, and notifies superusers when called.
Adds a script to run to send renewal notices.
Adds some notification variables useful for the above.
NEW: Adding user_total, user_remaining, user_complete to a survey’s progress for questions and classification indicating user specific progress to surveys api endpoint.
FIX: Fix for uploading documentation files larger than 2.5MB.
FIX: Fix Org Survey Launch Modal Options Bug.
FIX: Can now launch an assessment without favorable and unfavorable choice. UI does validation checking when a favorable and/or unfavorable choice is deselected, it is cleared.
NEW: Add CSV endpoint for downloading questions in question lists. The option shows up in “Settings” > “Question Configuration” > “Question Lists” as a download icon.
Version 2023.07
NEW: New Survey Status Attribute to surveys api endpoint. New Statuses are: Draft, Published, Active, Requires Acknowledgement (Questionnaire), Requires Acknowledgement (Enrichment), Requires Acknowledgement (Survey), Requires Acknowledgement (Assessment Report), Completed.
NEW: Add request timing info to logging-middleware output as a way to calculate timing info for API calls.
FIX: Risk Register: remove the requirements for the impacts and likelihoods, default them to 0.
NEW: Add help for CSV Upload button on survey page.
NEW: This patch introduces a comments backend for Isora GRC. It exposes a new endpoint: /api/comments. This endpoint is used strictly to add comments to an existing non-resolved thread.
NEW: Added the ability for admins to create org unit (classification) assessments without the host categorization portion.
NEW: Added Markdown support for email notifications, which is rendered to HTML before being sent (attached in addition to a plaintext version).
NEW: Made Deployment Environment field customizable for products.
Version 2023.06
NEW: Added a bulk unitdelegate endpoint to create and delete in bulk through /api/unitdelegates/bulk?survey=SURVEYID endpoint.
NEW: Unit answers bulk update, adding category to success and error rows.
FIX: Fixes for auditor permissions.
NEW: Display assessment name for launched and completed vendor assessments.
NEW: Added number of sheets to the /api/orgs endpoint.
NEW: Adding categories/all endpoint to show more than 25 categories.
Version 2023.05
NEW: Added tooltip to Add Documentation button and related tooltip improvements.
Version 2023.04
NEW: Admin has ability to upload and download survey answers in CSV format.
FIX: Risk register report now pulls /api/riskscores/all endpoint
FIX: Custom attributes population - response groups needs /allRiskRegister endpoint - to limit all custom attributes that pertain to the Risk Register
NEW: Added due dates to Open App and Classification Surveys listings.
FIX: Fix to show VendorProductContactsin Vendor Product Deployments when you have more than 25 VendorProductContacts.
FIX: Fix for bulk lock and save not working when there are questions not answered.
FIX: Fix to show all Vendor Product Deployments in Vendor Products when there are more than 25 deployments total.
FIX: Fix to show all assessmenttypes (when there are more than 25) when launching an assessment on Assessments and Settings pages.
NEW: For app reports, added a new section to the reportdata blob, where we find all of the app reports matching the vertical and calculate the mean for the question categories if found. Since the app's vertical is not a requirement, this gave us some errors when trying to render the dynamic portion of the report blob. This PR accounts for this problem.
Version 2023.03
FIX: Fix migration conflicts for assessments.
NEW: Added the ability to delete a vendor product.
NEW: Allows users to add documentation to exception requests.
NEW: New model for adding Assessment Instructions, where admins can create them and add it as an attribute of an Assessment. Should be available to Surveys. Right now this is only available via the api.
FIX: Fix for previous answers that were NA.
FIX: Fix for when a user is an AppUserContact who can assess, can lock, but not unlock an answer on an app survey.
NEW: Added category as a searchable field for hosts through the api.
NEW: Add category as a searchable field for Apps through the api.
NEW: Added the ability to Import and Export Policies via CSV.
Version 2023.02
FIX: Fix for multiple leaf in migrations due to answer_text and question category merges.
NEW: Added sending notifications to question category delegates when they are added to a question category.
NEW: Add /all to /api/apps endpoint to provide an unpaged list of apps, so it's easier to query /api/apps/all?attribute=value.
FIX: TreeCsvUploadHandler - filtering out deleted things when looking up parent objects.
NEW: Push label of answer choice selected to unit answer and report.
NEW: Added chosen answer's text/label to csv export.
FIX: Bug in auto-lock/import logic for UnitAnswers that did not copy over new answer_text value from previous UnitAnswer objects.
FIX: Question CSV upload now filters out deleted parent and question categories so question is not attached to incorrect parent and/or question category.
FIX: Rendering of host-asset MAC addresses in Exception Request asset selector view.
FIX: Bug when trying to create a vendorverticalcategory record through the api.
Version 2023.01
NEW: Documentation upload for Assets (Hosts, Apps, Vendor Products)
FIX: Bug on the trend chart where a survey's assessment must have all surveys completed before this survey's score shows on the trend chart. This fix includes the survey in the unit trend line if its assessment has unfinished surveys. The org trend line will not have a point for the same time, until all surveys are completed.
FIX: Added ability to switch dashboards for apps. Apps now has 3 dashboards in the switcher: Current dashboard is now named: 1. Basic App Report (Default). 2 new dashboards: 1. DFARS & CMMC 2. Advanced App Report (exactly like vendor report)
FIX: Fixed local auth error message for invalid credentials
Version 2022.12
FIX: Advanced vendor report - in category breakdown, it previously showed all categories in all reports in the vertical when report being viewed doesn't have those categories. That muddies up report between hecvat versions, different question lists, etc. This visualization now compares only the categories in the current report across the vertical.
FIX: Update handling of N/A categories to re-calculate the category score if ANY answer is N/A
Version 2022.11
FIX: Fixing question list dropdown (not paginating) on new/edit assessment form
FIX: Adding Assessment Save UI Notification on Settings > Assessments > Assessments edit/new page
FIX: Adding a UI notifiation to the Host Classification Save All functionality. The notification shows up and the 'Save All' button is disabled when user clicks 'Save All'; the notification disappears and the 'Save All' button is enabled when success or fail is returned from server.
FIX: Dropdown fixes for safari browser to work properly
FIX: Child org unit risk register data is read only when the user is assigned the Risk Auditor role and Inherit is selected.
Version 10.2022
NEW: New Risk Register Reporting Page
FIX: Risk Register - Removed risksettings endpoint
NEW: Risk Register - Added scope to config
NEW: Risk Register - Ability to change labels through config
FIX: Risk Register - Cleaned up results on History Tab on Risk Score record
NEW: Risk Register - Added ability to create risk on upload if it doesn't exist
NEW: Risk Register - Added ability to create risk on risk score create / edit if it doesn't exist
Version 2022.09
NEW: On host, set last editor to the saving user and save edited date
FIX: Erroneous tooltip about expiration date in New Assessment dialog modal
FIX: Survey launch dialog, links to docs about notifications
FIX: Add the ability to edit exception requests
Version 2022.08
FIX: Cleanup display on hosts and surveys, save to pdf
FIX: Make UI changes to question helptext, Show a tooltip for extended helptext display on survey ou question template, Add a modal for displaying very long Question HelpText. Display HelpText in that modal instead of a popup when the HelpText is long.
FIX: Updated Delete dialogs for org units, questions and categories to be more useful
Version 2022.07
FIX: Added tooltips to drop-downs and checkboxes for data classifications and categories to show help text
NEW: Host bulk delete
FIX: Fix to logging for performance increases
NEW: Risk Register
Version 2022.06
FIX: Comment header in CSV file for Permissions upload
FIX: Lite sync script updates
NEW: Allow running assessments to have their question snapshots updated
Version 2022.05
FIX: Update exception request to use user profile username entry rather than user.username to avoid issues when users are deleted
NEW: Multiple vendor product deployments can now be added to an Organization's product inventory (previously, OUs could only add one deployment per vendor product). A given owner org unit can now add three deployments to their vendor product inventory representing test, development, and production environments.
FIX: Improved error message when trying to save a duplicate vendor product deployment to an org.
Version 2022.04
NEW: Advanced Vendor Dashboard: Gives users the ability to filter on various question attributes, compare category averages between the vendor and the vertical average, and understand high vs low risk vendor answers.
NEW: Added questions complete count in vendor and app survey listing in Assessments > Open tab.
FIX: Staleness indicator on vendor survey listing in Assessments > Completed tab.
FIX: Disable report dashboard dropdown when there's only one report dashboard.
FIX: Updates Basic Vendor Report > Answers tab to display consistently between browsers. Firefox and Chrome previously displayed differently.
Version 2022.03
NEW: Automated documentation now available for API endpoints: https://myisoraurl/api/schema/redoc/. Users must be authenticated into Isora to have the ability to read the api documentation.
Version 2022.02
NEW: Users can choose from additional options to increase the number of Hosts displayed per page when viewing a Sheet.
NEW: The filter popover menu has been redesigned on the Sheet view page.
NEW: Users and Vendor Requestors can now create and view exception requests for hosts on which they've been added as a delegate.
FIX: Users can now download attached files in completed assessments as expected.