Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Under tree view, questions are displayed grouped by their categories.



Adding New Questions

The most efficient way to upload new questions yourself is to use a CSV file. From the grid view, click the CSV upload button. Each line of the file represents one question , with twelve the fields , which are outlined in the table below. The fields allow you to determine how the question will look, where it shows up (under what category), what type of answers are allowed and how the answers will be scored.

Field number

Field name






the question itself

titleMarkdown supported

This field supports Markdown formatting. Please visit for a quick reference to Markdown.




the text of the parent question; this field is blank if it has no parent question



yes- if no parent

the category it belongs in; if the question has a parent, then leave this field blank and it inherits the category of the parent question


explanation required


Under what circumstances does the answer require an explanation?

r = if answer is favorable; u = if answer is unfavorable;

a = always; n = never


show if parent


y = if the answer to the parent question is favorable, then show this question (default);

n = if the answer to the parent question is unfavorable, then show this question.




c = critical; h = high; m = medium (default); l = low; i = informational


allow explanation


true = allow users to type in an explanation;

false (default) = no explanation allowed (does not override the “explanation required” field)


help text


text that will be displayed as help text for the question (recommended)

titleMarkdown supported

This field supports Markdown formatting. Please visit for a quick reference to Markdown.


question answer response group


the name of the answer response group for this question


documentation required


f = required when favorable only;

u = required when unfavorable only;

a = always required;

n (default) = never required


allow documentation


true = allow documentation upload;

false (default) = do not allow documentation upload (does not override the “documentation required” field)

The weight value is used to calculate the scores which are reported by ISORA’s Isora GRC’s reports module. The multiplier for the selected answer will be multiplied by the question’s weight value to determine the score for the question. The survey score is the cumulative total for all questions in that survey. The respective weight values are summarized in the table below.


To add a single new question to ISORAIsora GRC, you can use the “add a new question” box. Fill in the fields and click “save.”


Each question must have either a category, or a parent, but not both. Some fields are only relevant based on how you answer other fields. If the field is irrelevant, then it is ignored. For instance, if you manually enter a question with no parent, then the “show if parent” field is ignored.

Allowing users to upload documentation

You may wish to allow users to upload documentation to support their answer. This documentation will be stored in the cloud and later you can retrieve it when you view the completed assessment. You can choose under what circumstances users are allowed to or required to supply documentation.


Editing existing questions

To edit an existing question, you can click the text of the question itself. This changes the “add a new question” dialog into an edit dialog.


You can see a little bit more detail if you click the pencil icon next to the question. The resulting window allows you to view and edit “help text,” which is some extra information you can provide along with the question to make it easier to answer. When users are filling out surveys, they can click a button next to the question to view the help text.

Both the text of the question itself and the help text field support Markdown formatting. Markdown is a lightweight markup language that allows you to add some formatting like numbered lists or include a link to a URL. For more information about Markdown, please visit .


You can also view the revision history for the question. Each time you change a question, you can’t just overwrite the old question, because it might have already been used in a survey that was run in the past. If a question does have revisions, ISORA Isora GRC will keep track of which version of it was used in each survey that included it.

Each time you change an existing question, you are required to record an entry in the change log.

Next: 8.1.3 Working with question listsWith Question Lists