4.2 Working with hosts

4.2 Working with hosts

URI: https://myedu.isora.saltycloud.com/api/hosts




additional details





Retrieves a paginated list of all hosts, Y at a time (by default 25). Each array entry includes details about the host.

The beginning of each response includes a count and a link to the next page. Each entry in the list has a link to itself.



Retrieves an individual host. If an invalid host id is given, a “Not found” error is returned.



Creates a new host. Only the sheets field is required, which must be specified by ID. You must be a sheet owner to add a host to any specific sheet. The new host is returned.

If a location is specified, the individual components of the location object are verified to try to find a matching location ID. If an exact match cannot be found, then an error is returned and the host will not be added.

The format of the location field is {

  “site”: string,

  “building”: string,

  “floor”: string,

  “room”: string


body {

  “names”: array of strings,

  “sheets”: array of strings (sheet IDs),

  “description”: string,

  “ips”: string,

  “macs”: string,

  “aco”: string,

  “location”: {location object},1

  “off_premises”: Boolean (true/false)2

  “classification”: string (implementation-dependent code),

  “categories”: array of strings (implementation-dependent codes),

  “priority”: string (code),

  “system_type”: string (code),

  “free_fields”: json,

  “owners”: array of strings3,

  “it_contacts”: array of strings3,

  “users”: array of strings3


1The location field is handled in a special way, detailed at left.

2If true, location notes must be included.

3You can specify usernames, email addresses, groups and/or organizational unit code.



Updates (replaces) an existing host. Returns the updated host object.

Include the sheets field, along with any other fields you want to change.



Removes the host. No content is returned.




Retrieves a paginated list of hosts belonging to the sheet in arrays of up to Y (by default 25) at a time. Each entry includes some details about the host.

The beginning of each response includes a count and a link to the previous and next pages Each entry in the array has a link to itself.




Returns host objects matching the search string.

Useful for testing. Only host objects are searched.

Next: 5. Advanced Topics

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