How-To: Perform a New Unit Assessment

How-To: Perform a New Unit Assessment

This information is for superusers.

Are you sure unit assessment is the most appropriate methodology to use? If not, then check out

Unit Assessment was previously referred to as Organizational Assessment. Asset Enrichment was previously referred to as Host Categorization.


Before you can perform a unit assessment, you need at least one unit (See also: How to Add an Organizational Unit) and a questionnaire template that targets units (See also: What is a questionnaire template? How to Create a New Question List ). You should also understand the goal of your assessment, its scope, and your timeline for completion before you get started.


  1. On the Assessments page, click the New Assessment button.


  2. On the New Assessment dialog, click Unit to start the New Assessment Wizard.


  3. Click Start From Scratch.


  4. In Step 1, you assign Details to the assessment. Assign a meaningful name, choose the appropriate series, and choose a date by which you expect to complete the assessment. If you don’t have an appropriate series yet, you can create a new series directly on this wizard step by typing its name into the Series box and click Create Series.


    You can also update the instructions if needed. You can choose a different set of instructions or edit an existing one. When you’ve finished making changes, click Next Step.


  5. On Step 2, choose a questionnaire template. Then click Next Step.


  6. On Step 3, Scope, click the checkboxes to indicate which unit(s) to include in this assessment. For each one chosen, a separate survey will be created using the same questionnaire template. Click Next Step.


  7. Step 4 is Asset Enrichment. If your units don’t have assets (in Inventory) on sheets assigned to them or you’re not interested in including it, leave this section disabled. Most Isora GRC users do not use asset enrichment at this time. Click Next Step.


  8. On Step 5 you finalize the assessment. Look over what you’ve done and make any changes as needed. You can also customize the survey launch options for the entire assessment from here (See also: Survey Launch Options ). Click Launch to launch the surveys now, or Publish to allow for later launching. If you don’t want to launch all surveys simultaneously, you should use Publish. Note that whichever option you choose, you will not be able to make any changes to this assessment once finalized.


  9. Your new assessment shows up in the Units area of the Assessments page. Expand the series name and assessment name to view the individual survey progress.


  10. Your surveys are now ready to be completed and acknowledged.


See also: Filling Survey Questionnaires

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