3.3 Working with permissions
URI: https://myedu.isora.saltycloud.com/api/perms
Verb | address | notes | |
GET | /perms /perms?page=X &page_size=Y | Retrieves a paginated list of all permissions, up to Y at a time. Default page size is 25. | The beginning of each response includes a count and a link to the next page. Each entry in the list has a link to itself, which can be used to retrieve that individual permission. There are also links to endpoints for the associated user and OU. |
GET | /perms?user=<id> /perms?user=<id>&page=X &page_size=Y | Retrieves paginated list of permissions of an individual user, up to Y at a time (25 by default). If an invalid user id is given, an empty response is returned. | The beginning of output includes a count and links to next and previous in case the user has more than 25 permissions. |
GET | /perms?org_unit=<id> /perms?org_unit=<id>&page=X &page_size=Y | Retrieves a paginated list of permissions of an OU, up to Y at a time (by default 25). If an invalid OU id is given, an empty response is returned. | The beginning of output includes a count and links to next and previous in case the OU has more than 25 permissions. |
POST | /perms | Creates a new permission. | body { “user”: string (username), “org_unit”: string (OU id), “org_unit_code”: string (OU id), “role”: Numeric (10=OU Head, 20=Assessment Manager, 30=IT Staff, 4=User) } |
DELETE | /perms/<id> | Removes the permission. No content is returned. | |
GET | /perms?search=string &page_size=Y | Returns permissions objects matching the search string. | You probably want to use a fairly specific string, like a username, to avoid getting too many matches. |
Note that the PUT operation is not supported for perms endpoints. If you want to change a permission, you must remove the existing permission and create a new one entirely.
Next: 3.4 Working with locations
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