3.4 Working with locations

3.4 Working with locations

URI: https://myedu.isora.salty.com/api/locations




additional details





Retrieves a paginated list of all locations, Y at a time (25 by default). Only super-users can see confidential locations in the listing.

The beginning of each response includes a count and a link to the next page. Each entry in the list has a link to itself, which can be used to retrieve that individual location.



Retrieves an individual location. If an invalid location id is given, a “Not found” error is returned.



Creates a new location. The description and free_fields aren’t used by ISORA.

body {

  “site”: string,

  “building”: string,

  “room”: string,

  “floor”: string,*

  “confidential”: Boolean (true/false)*,

  “description”: string*,

  “free_fields”: json*





Updates (replaces) an existing location. Returns the updated location object.

Include the site, building and room, along with any other fields you want to change.



Removes the location. No content is returned.

If any hosts are assigned to the location, the request will return an error.




Returns location objects matching the string.

Next: 4. Using inventory data

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