Roles and Capabilities

Roles and Capabilities

This page contains information about the roles and capabilities of each account in Isora GRC.

Ordinary Users

Each person defined to Isora GRC can be associated with one or more organizational units (OUs). For each OU a person is involved with, the person has a role within the OU. The following table summarizes the capabilities of each role.


Capabilities (for a given Organizational Unit)


Capabilities (for a given Organizational Unit)

Organizational Unit Head

Can final acknowledge an org unit survey; can see all completed organizational assessments (including those of child OUs); can view shared completed vendor assessments from other OUs; can view, edit risk scores for their OU

Assessment Manager

Can launch surveys; can view completed assessments and answer survey questions; can delegate OU questions (and add users via delegation) and assign hosts to users; can view all permissions and assign permissions to other users, can edit sheets; can create, launch and acknowledge app assessments; can create, launch, acknowledge and view vendor assessments; can view shared completed vendor assessments from other OUs; can create vendor products; can create/edit product deployments for their OU

IT Staff

Can view reports and answer survey questions; can assign hosts to users (and add users to Isora GRC via delegation); can edit sheets; can create, edit, launch, acknowledge and view vendor assessments; can view shared completed vendor assessments from other OUs; can create vendor products; can create/edit product deployments for their OU

Vendor Requestor

Can create, edit, launch, acknowledge and view their own vendor assessments for their OU only; can view shared completed vendor assessments from other OUs; can create vendor products

Risk Assessor*

Can view, create and edit risk register entries for their OU

Risk Auditor*

Can view risk register entries for their OU


Can view and create exception requests for their OU, for hosts that they are Owners, Users and/or IT Contacts for


Has read-only access to everything for the given OU (NOTE: The auditor role is under development)

(no role assigned)

Can do categorization of hosts that belong to them; can answer any unit questions that have been delegated to them; can create sheets and edit sheets that belong to them (irrespective of organizational unit); can answer questions about apps which they own; can view completed shared vendor assessments

Guest (this is not a role in Isora GRC, but a person who is accessing a vendor survey via shared link)

Can view and answer questions on a vendor survey; can acknowledge a vendor survey

*The Risk Assessor and Risk Auditor roles are coming soon.



In addition to ordinary persons, Isora GRC must have at least one administrative person defined. This is indicated by the “superuser” attribute. Initially, Isora GRC is set up with at least one superuser defined. A superuser can do everything encompassed by all of the ordinary person roles, and much more. Any superuser can do everything in Isora GRC. The following table summarizes what superusers can do (in addition to all the things ordinary users can do):


Capabilities (not limited by Organizational Unit)


Capabilities (not limited by Organizational Unit)


Can view, edit, add or remove people, OUs and permissions, sheets and hosts; can view, edit, add or remove all question objects, can create, edit or remove assessments; can edit or remove vendor product entries; can create, edit or remove vendor product statuses (via API), can perform all other actions on Isora GRC, including assigning the superuser attribute to other user accounts

Although it is possible to assign individual roles to a superuser, it’s not required.

Service Accounts

Any user that you create in Isora GRC may be designated as a “service account” using a checkbox. A service account should be used for any non-person entity that needs to access Isora GRC. Like an ordinary person, a service account may have roles in OUs assigned to it. No remote authorization checks are performed with service accounts. Although it is possible to authenticate a service account locally, by specifying a local password, or to authenticate it remotely via LDAP, it is not typical for a service account to log into the Isora GRC web interface. Service accounts should access Isora GRC through the API using a token. You can learn more about the API in the API Guide .


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