3.3 Working With Permissions Via API

3.3 Working With Permissions Via API

URI: https://myIsoraURL/api/perms




Additional Details





Retrieves a paginated list of all permissions, up to Y at a time. Default page size is 25.

The beginning of each response includes a count and a link to the next page. Each entry in the list has a link to itself, which can be used to retrieve that individual permission. There are also links to endpoints for the associated user and OU.





Retrieves paginated list of permissions of an individual user, up to Y at a time (25 by default). If an invalid user id is given, an empty response is returned.

The beginning of output includes a count and links to next and previous in case the user has more than 25 permissions.





Retrieves a paginated list of permissions of an OU, up to Y at a time (by default 25). If an invalid OU id is given, an empty response is returned.

The beginning of output includes a count and links to next and previous in case the OU has more than 25 permissions.



Creates a new permission.

body {

  “user”: string (username),

  “org_unit”: string (OU id),

  “org_unit_code”: string (OU id),

  “role”: Numeric (10=OU Head, 20=Assessment Manager, 30=IT Staff, 4=User)




Removes the permission. No content is returned.




Returns permissions objects matching the search string.

You probably want to use a fairly specific string, like a username, to avoid getting too many matches.


The PUT operation is not supported for perms endpoints. If you want to change a permission, you must remove the existing permission and create a new one entirely.


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