4.1 Working With Inventory Sheets Via API

4.1 Working With Inventory Sheets Via API

URI: https://myIsoraURL/api/sheets




Additional Details





Retrieves a paginated list of all hosts, Y at a time (25 by default). Each object in the array includes detailed information about people and OUs associated with the sheet, number of hosts, and notification settings.

The beginning of each response includes a count and a link to the next and previous pages. Each entry in the array has a link to itself, as well as a link to hosts on that sheet and a csv page of the hosts.



Retrieves an individual sheet object. If an invalid location id is given, a “Not found” error is returned.



Retrieves a CSV file containing the sheet.

The file includes a header.




Retrieves a paginated list of hosts belonging to the sheet in arrays of up to Y at a time (25 by default). Each entry includes some details about the host.

The beginning of each response includes a count and a link to the previous and next pages Each entry in the array has a link to itself.



Creates a new sheet. Returns the new sheet. Even if another owner is specified, the creator of the sheet is also an owner.

body {

  “name”: string,

  “owners_people”: array of strings (usernames)*,

  “owners_orgs”: array of strings (codes)*




Updates (replaces) an existing sheet. Returns the updated sheet object.

Include the name, along with any other fields you want to change.



Adds contents of a CSV file to an existing sheet. The CSV file should have a header. Returns an array of errors (which is empty if there are none).

Use content type multipart/form-data, use field name “file” and attach the CSV file.



Removes the sheet. No content is returned.

If any hosts are assigned to the location, the request will return an error.




Returns sheet objects matching the search string.

Searches both sheet and host data, so if a host object matches the search string, it will result in a match.

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