Host CSV Upload

Host CSV Upload

Any user with access to a sheet can upload a CSV of hosts to that sheet. There are a lot of fields for hosts, and none of the fields is specifically required when you manually enter host data. However, using the CSV upload feature does require some of the host attributes. For optional fields, you should not put a space in the blank field, but leave it completely empty. Extraneous spaces can cause errors on certain fields.

Unlike the other CSV uploads, the host CSV upload does not support comments in the CSV file.

All fields are optional unless otherwise stated.

Field Name


Field Name



Required: A list of names for the host


A description of the host


Required: A list of IP addresses for the host; must validate as an IP address


Required: A list of MAC addresses for the host; must validate as MAC address


AMP Communications Outlet; you can use this to track a physical port where a host is connected to your network. If you’re not using ACOs, you can specify any string here that’s meaningful to you.


Site where this host is located


Building where the host is located


Floor where the host is located


Room where the host is located


Sometimes Required: Notes or description about the location


Is the location of the host outside of organization premises? “true” or “false” (Defaults to false)


String with additional information about the host


String representing the host’s serial number


Deprecated field representing system type


Numeric value representing classification. Using the default configuration, “1” (Confidential), “2” (Protected), “3” (Published), “s” (Surplus), and “u” (Unknown).


List of categories within the parent classification. Using the default configuration, the options include health, financial, ferpa, ssn, research, critical_to_unit and critical_to_organization. If the list contains more than one entry, enclose in quotes.


Field indicating the importance of the host. Using the default configuration, the options are “c” (critical), “i” (important/non-critical), “n” (normal), and “u” (unknown).


High level description of the host. Default possible values include “ca” (Classroom A/V), “dt” (Desktop), “in” (Infrastructure), “lt” (Laptop), “pd” (Personal Device), “ph” (Phone), “pr” (Printer), “se” (Server), “ot” (Unknown/ Other), and “vs” (Video Security).


Is the device encrypted? “true” or “false”


A comma-separated list of valid json attribute:value pairs


List of owning users or org units


List of users or org units that are considered IT contacts for this host


List of people or org units that use the host


1If any location element is specified, then the entire location must resolve to a pre-existing location already in Isora GRC’s database. Otherwise all location fields should be left blank.


2If off-premises is set to true, then you also must include location_notes.


3This field contains configurable picklist label values. Depending on your configuration, the options present may differ from the default configuration. For more information, see Customizable Picklist Label Values


4Free fields can be used to specify additional attributes that are not found in the default host attributes. These can be anything you care about. One benefit of using free fields is that you can key in on those values when searching hosts, so you can easily find hosts that match your given attribute, just like you can search on built-in attribute values. All of the values in free fields are considered to be strings. Here is an example free_fields entry (note the use of quotation marks to encase the entire field; in CSV files commas are used to separate fields, so if you have a field that includes commas, the whole string must be quoted):



5If the list contains more than one item, then the entire field should be quoted. Individuals should be specified by username, prefaced with a “u:” and org units specified by code and prefaced with “o:” For example, to list user Bob Kovack with username bobkov and org unit Accounting with code ACC, the field should contain:

"u:bobkov, o:ACC"

All individuals specified must have existing user accounts in Isora GRC and all org units specified must already exist in Isora GRC’s list of org units.

When you add a host manually, if you have LDAP integration set up to allow people searching, you can specify a person who does not yet have an Isora GRC account. If the LDAP lookup succeeds, an account will automatically be provisioned when you add the user. CSV upload does not support this.

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