Users: How to Create a Product Deployment

Users: How to Create a Product Deployment

You must have an IT Staff or Assessment Manager role in an org unit to create a product deployment.

  1. On the Inventory page, go to the Products tab.


  2. Create a new product, or locate the product you want to create a deployment for. (See also: Users: How to Add a Vendor Product into Inventory ).

  3. If the product already has an existing deployment in your organization, you can click the name or Info button to view details and decide if you want to create a new one.

  4. Otherwise, click the +Add to My Inventory button.


  5. Fill in the fields, most of which are required.


  6. If you wish to add a new vendor contact, click the +New Contact button and expand the New Contact area.


  7. Click Save when you’re finished.


See also: Roles and Capabilities

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